Nepal Rudraksha

Breathing is usually automatic, controlled by the respiratory center at the base of the brain. And is the work of breathing by the diaphragm, and the muscles between the ribs, the muscles in the neck and abdominal muscles. Diaphragm, the dome-shaped sheet of muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdomen, is the most important muscle used in breathing in it.

Wheezing is a high-pitched sound produced by whistling the air flowing through the narrow breathing tubes, especially the smaller ones deep in the lung. Wheezing occurs due to lack of the airway. Asthma is the most classic of breath, wheezing, but may be part of this disease, bronchiolitis in children, toxic inhalation, and foreign body aspiration, vocal cord dysfunction or etc..

And the mother is suffering from severe wheezing from an early age. Wheezing is a sign of a problem in the lung, inflammation of the airways (bronchi), usually associated with asthma.

Date of Birth: 19-09-1986, TOB: 08:35 IST, LAT 78E10 9N50 long

For the rise of the balance, Saturn, Mercury and Venus are benefics. The sun and the moon and Jupiter are malefics. May be taken as a weak benefic Mars. Pain to the Lord, 3, in the birth chart astrology, can not be judged on the lungs and cause the mercury of the disorder. 

Mercury rules the disease of the pulmonary system and respiratory diseases and Saturn indicates respiratory problems, asthma, etc. lung disease, the rules of Jupiter, and respiratory diseases, asthma, wheezing and bronchitis. Signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius control of the respiratory system.

Can be put Moon in House VI, conjucted with Rahu and aspected by malefic planets, the sun and Quito cause this disease. Are placed in the Ascendant Lord Venus star Swathi ruled by Rahu. Placement in the house of Rahu will create 6 respiratory diseases such as asthma, wheezing hemmed etc. 

Erie sign Libra and Venus have the Lord in between malefics. Rahu, Quito in 6/12 axis also cause this disease. And suffer severely from the mercury in the astrology birth chart. Mercury is placed in the moon and the stars with a Hastha conjucted malefics and Quito and aspected by Rahu and the Moon malefic. Rahu is also placed in Mercury star Revathy. Sub-division of Mercury, Mars and the Moon in Virgo in Astrology KP, and demonstrates the diaphragm, and the tissues can be inspiring and help in breathing disorder in this case to this problem.